Welcome to Crush “Rollershop”!!!
Think of Crush as your one stop shop for all your Roller Needs. Yes, I carry name brand skates. Yes, I have laces and slide blocks. But I am most excited about making custom skates! Come on in, the sky is the limit!
Welcome to Crush “Rollershop”!!!
Think of Crush as your one stop shop for all your Roller Needs. Yes, I carry name brand skates. Yes, I have laces and slide blocks. But I am most excited about making custom skates! Come on in, the sky is the limit!

Custom built rollerskates
I can take any shoe and turn it into a RollerSkate. There are so many ways to customize it beyond that. You can pick your own toe-guards, laces, wheels, plates, trucks… Or just leave it up to me to size you up and build YOUR skates for you. Come on by, I have tons of custom-built skates for sale, or fill out this FORM to get started on your own truly custom skates!
Need outdoor wheels? Slide blocks? Dope laces? I am here to equip you! I am meticulous about the brands I carry. If I carry it, I wear it. So stop on by and get what you need to skate your days away… While I’m in the shop, thinking about skating….

Thanks for checking out the website. Now what you really need to do is take your shoes off, throw your skates on, and get out there! Or skate in your kitchen…I do that too.

Custom rollerskates
I can take any shoe and turn it into a RollerSkate. There are so many ways to customize it beyond that. You can pick your own toe-guards, laces, wheels, plates, trucks… Or just leave it up to me to size you up and build YOUR skates for you. Come on by, I have tons of custom-built skates for sale, or fill out this FORM to get started on your own truly custom skates!

Accessorize it…
Need outdoor wheels? Slide blocks? Dope laces? I am here to equip you! I am meticulous about the brands I carry. If I carry it, I wear it. So stop on by and get what you need to skate your days away… While I’m in the shop, thinking about skating….

Thanks for checking out the website. Now what you really need to do is take your shoes off, throw your skates on, and get out there! Or skate in your kitchen…I do that too.
Still here?
Come in and check me out! I’m open every day except Monday and Tuesday from 11 till whenever…
Or check some photos in the links below!

Still don’t get it?
I will keep it skate-specific!
Come in and check me out! I’m open every day except Monday and Tuesday from 11 till whenever…
Or check some photos in the links below!